Office Closure: Fourth of July
Thursday, July 4
The Fourth of July is a staff holiday and the office is closed.
Shabbat Morning with Bat Mitzvah of Noa Isabel Zaragoza
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, July 6 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Noa Isabel Zaragoza as a Bat Mitzvah and member of our community.
Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Sunday, July 7 – In Person or Zoom Room Heh (to be announced)
Our gender-inclusive New Moon group celebrates each Rosh Ḥodesh with learning and ancient and contemporary ritual. Everyone is invited to connect with our closest heavenly body, the Moon. Gatherings take place on or near the new moon of each Hebrew month. Attend any or all sessions. RSVP to be updated on the location and other details throughout the year.
Teen Engagement Committee Meeting
7 pm, Monday, July 8 – Zoom Room Bet
Monthly meeting for the Teen Engagement Committee leadership. Havurah teens and their parents are welcome.
Steering Meeting
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, July 9 – Zoom Room Gimel
All Havurah Shalom members are invited to join for Steering Committee meetings. (Havurahniks: If you'd like to join, log in to the website and then visit or call the office in advance for assistance, 503-248-4662.)
Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
5:30 pm to 7 pm, Thursdays, July 11 to August 15 – Zoom Room Dalet
The Havurah Ma’avar Committee is offering a six-week grief process-support group for Havurah members in any stage of grief. Chaplain Candi Wuhrman will facilitate the group with a focus on the dying experience, the impact of the relationship, the things unsaid, making peace within ourselves, forgiveness, and continuing the relationship after death. (This group will be limited to eight participants.) RSVP
Asylum Seekers Host Support Group
2 pm to 4 pm, Sunday, July 14 – Havurah Shalom
Are you considering hosting an asylum-seeking family for a short, or medium stay? Please attend a Host Support Group on the Second Sunday of each month, at 2 pm at Havurah Shalom. As more and more people try hosting, a network of support makes hosting easier and more fun. These are sponsored by IMIrJ and the Asylum Seeker Solidarity Collective. This opportunity to host families and to attend host support group meetings are open to members of Havurah and non-members alike. We hope to see some of you at the upcoming July 14 IMIrJ Asylum Support Group meeting!
Havurah's Pride Shabbat in the Park
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (6:30 pm Service, 7:30 pm Potluck Dinner), Friday, July 19 – Columbia Park (4503 N. Lombard Street)
Celebrate queer and Jewish joy with a special Kabbalat Shabbat service at Columbia Park! Led by Rabbi Benjamin and Havurah musicians. We’ll enjoy a potluck dinner together afterward. Beverages will be provided. BYOB.
RSVP & Learn More | Sign Up to Bring Food | Sign Up to Help Out
Questions? Email Maggie Weller.
Multi-synagogue Torah Study Led by Emily Simon
9 am to 10 am, July 20 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Bet
On the third Saturday of the month (Shabbat morning), we have a multi-synagogue Torah Study, led by Emily Simon. Other congregations joining Havurah Shalom include Temple Sholom in Monticello New York, Emek Shalom in Ashland, Oregon, and Mayim Shalom in Coos Bay, Oregon. We may even have some folks joining us from other parts of the country and maybe the world. As with our regular Torah Study, no prior knowledge or study is necessary. All viewpoints are welcome as we try to draw lessons from our holy books.
Shabbat Morning with Bat Mitzvah of Lailah Kaplan
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, July 20 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Lailah Kaplan as a Bat Mitzvah and member of our community.
Climate Action Team Meeting
5 pm to 6:30 pm, Monday, July 22 – Zoom Room Gimel
All Havurahniks are invited to join the Climate Action Team's monthly meeting.
Book Group: Learning from the Germans by Susan Neiman
7 pn to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, July 23 – Zoom Room Bet
Susan Neiman is a Jewish philosopher who lives and teaches in Berlin. Her book insightfully looks at the journey that allowed the shift in German consciousness, from seeing themselves as the victims of WWII to taking responsibility for the atrocities done to Jews and others in the Holocaust. From the publisher: "As an increasingly polarized America fights over the legacy of racism... Neiman's book gives an urgently needed perspective on how a nation might come to terms with historical wrongdoing." I was moved to read this book while wondering how Israel might come to terms with her own historical wrongdoings toward Palestinians. I have about a hundred flags sticking out of the book- a testament to the wisdom I have found in these pages. Her writings and teachings have been used in Havurah's class on reparations. - Harriet Cooke
Discussion led by Harriet Cooke. Nonmembers welcome. RSVP for Zoom info.
Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
6 pm to 7:30 pm, Monday, July 29 – Zoom Room Heh
We will resume our monthly letter writing on the last Monday of each month to write letters to our lawmakers for Israel/Palestine justice. Questions? Contact Dale Oller (member log-in required to access directory). Non-Havurah-members very welcome as well. RSVP for Zoom info.