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Hadracha (Governance)

The Hadracha Cluster of committees is responsible for steering Havurah Shalom, ensuring that our decision-making processes are in line with our values and mission. Hadracha empowers and supports staff and committees, modeling collaborative governance that strives to operate with equity, transparency, and inclusivity. The Hadracha Cluster supports sustainability throughout Havurah and endeavors to be future-looking as we lead and guide our community forward.

Hadracha committees are listed below. Hadracha also includes the Treasurer, Corporate Secretary, and Recording Secretary positions and the Jewish Community Relations Council Representative. 

You can find Havurah's Bylaws here.

Committees, Task Forces, Work Groups

Steering Committee Members

  • Loree Devery & Oren Kosansky, Co-Presidents
  • David Kertzner, Vice President
  • Ben Walters, Immediate Past President
  • Jenni Besen, Treasurer
  • Katherine McDowell, Corporate Secretary
  • Anita Haeems, Recording Secretary
  • Cindy Merrill, Lead for Avodah (Spiritual Life)
  • Karen Ballard, Lead for Kehillah (Community)
  • Michelle Bobowick, Lead for Limud (Education)
  • Bob Brown, Lead for Tikkun Olam (Social Action)
  • Joel Bettridge, Lead Makom (Place)


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784