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Submit News & Requests

If you're a member of Havurah and want to submit news for our weekly email, calendar, or Hakol, please reference the Havurah Guidelines for Communications and the information describing the submission forms below.

If you're not a member of Havurah yet but want to receive monthly email updates about Havurah activities, please send your name and email address to We would be happy to send you our monthly emails! Learn more about becoming a member of Havurah here.

You can also request a website update or new nametag, or submit minutes or reports on behalf of your committee or cluster. Scroll down to view these forms. If you have any questions, please email

Hineinu Submission Form
Please use the form above to submit news for Hineinu, Havurah's weekly email. The deadline is 12 noon on Tuesdays. If the submission deadline has to be changed due to a holiday or anticipated staff absence, a notice will be posted in the previous weekly community email.

Email your calendar requests to Rachel Pollak. If you also want to include your event in the weekly email, fill out the form at the link above and check the box next to "please put this information on the Havurah calendar too." If you do this, there is no need to email Rachel directly.

Hakol Submission Form
Please use the form above to submit articles for Hakol.The deadline for the August 2024 issue has been extended to Monday, July 22, 2024 (unless it is extended, the Hakol submission deadline is the third Thursday of each month)Articles should be 500 words or less, unless you have reached out to an received prior approval.

Misheberach Request Form
Havurah members are invited to use this form to submit the name of a relative or Havurah member to be read aloud during the Misheberach (healing prayer) at Shabbat services. You will need to log in as a member to access the form.

For Your Family Submission Form
Please use the form above to submit news to the For Your Family newsletter.

Text Opt-Out Form
Please use the form above if you would like to opt out of all texts from Havurah. This only applies to members, and you must sign in to fill out this form.

Nametag Request Form
Please use the form above if you need a nametag. This only applies to members.

Read Our News

Read recent Hineinus, our weekly community emails, here. Find issues of our monthly newsletter, Hakol, here.

Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784