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Torah Reading Schedule

Havurah Shalom follows a triennial reading schedule in which one-third of the Torah portion of the week is read. Below are detailed charts of the Torah divisions by date:

  • 09/02/23 through 09/28/24 –  year 2 of the triennial cycle
  • 09/07/2024 through 09/27/2025 — year 3 of the triennial cycle
  • 10/04/2025 through 09/26/2026 — year 1 of the trienniel cycle

You can also find Torah reading charts with aliyah divisions by book here:

  1. Genesis (Bereshit)
  2. Exodus (Shemot)
  3. Leviticus (Vayikra)
  4. Numbers (Bamidbar)
  5. Deuteronomy (Devarim)
  6. Readings for Combined Portions

For the Torah blessings to prepare for an aliyah, click here (PDF). This link to the ScrollScraper website can help you find specific Torah readings online.

Havurah also has a book showing Torah portions as they appear on the Torah scroll. To learn more, call 503-248-4662.






Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784