Daily Shofar
All day, every day (except on Shabbat) from September 4 to October 1 – Havurah's YouTube page (for everyone) and Facebook page (for Havurah members)
Hear the Sound of the Shofar each day of Elul (except Shabbat): Andrine, Diane & Howard (& sometimes Dominic) help prepare us for Rosh Hashanah with shofar, deep thoughts & a touch of kavannah. Videos will be posted daily on Havurah's YouTube and Facebook pages to watch as you are able.
Havurah Community Meeting to Discuss Co-sponsorship of JFGP October 7th Memorial Event
7:30 pm to 9 pm, Wednesday, September 4 — Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Havurah members, you are invited to join tonight's community meeting, which the Havurah Presidents Team announced in an August 29 email. Your RSVP is appreciated.
The Torah in the High Holydays
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Thursdays, September 5 to 26 – Havurah Shalom
There are four Torah readings during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We will take four 90-minute sessions and look at each of the Torah readings. We will look at the readings through the four ways of studying Torah: P'shat (literal, simple, plain, intended meaning), Remez (alluded meaning, “reading between the lines”), D’rash (drawn-out meaning; Midrash – “concept”); and Sod (hidden meaning). This will be a participatory class where we use the combined knowledge of the group to increase the knowledge of each of us. Please come prepared to delve into the text and share your thoughts. Fluency in Hebrew is not required. Led by David Dropkin. All are welcome. RSVP
Shabbat Morning with B'nei Mitzvah of Abraham Bendsneyder-Koven and Molly Faccinetti
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, September 7 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming as members of our community Abraham Bendsneyder-Koven as a Bar Mitzvah and Molly Faccinetti as a Bat Mitzvah. All are welcome.
Connecting Past with Present: May Their Memories Be For a Blessing
1-2:30 pm on Sunday, Sept. 8 (at Havurah)
1-2:30 pm on Sunday, Sept. 22 (at Havurah)
7-8:30 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 24 (on Zoom)
7-8:30 pm on Monday, Sept. 30 (on Zoom)
Make your memory of a deceased family member or friend into a blessing by attending one of four gatherings during the month of Elul to share a story and hear a story. These September gatherings are part of Havurah Shalom’s “Arc of Remembrance” programming in preparation for Yizkor (Service of Remembrance) on Yim Kippur afternoon. All are welcome. Learn more and RSVP for the Sept. 8 session (or choose a different session and RSVP).
Drash as Prayer and Teaching
7 pm, Sundays, Sept. 8, 15, 22 — Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Dalet
What moves you? Want to learn how to tie that into Torah to help inspire and move others? Havurah community minyan is often looking for members to write and give a drash. Drashot can be made to honor a birthday or yahrzeit, or you may speak on a topic that calls for understanding and prayer. Join Harriet Cooke to learn and practice how to write a drash. Bring a notebook and pen. All are welcome. RSVP
Teen Engagement Committee Meeting
7 pm, Monday, September 9 - Zoom Room Bet
Monthly meeting for the Teen Engagement Committee leadership. Havurah teens and their parents are welcome.
Fleece Blanket Making for Community Warehouse
1 pm to 3 pm, Tuesday, Sept. 10 — Havurah
7 pm to 9 pm, Wednesday, Sept. 25 — Havurah
Join the Poverty and Homelessness Committee and Teen Engagement Committee as we assemble ten no-sew fleece blanket kits to be donated to Community Warehouse. The evening session on Sept. 25 will be led by the teens. No experience necessary. Bring a sharp pair of sewing scissors if you have one. Contact Julie Hastings with questions. All are welcome. RSVP for the Sept. 10 session and/or RSVP for the Sept. 25 session.
Hebrew for Prayer: A Close Look at Key Prayers for the High Holidays
6:30 pm, Tuesdays, Sept. 10, 17 — Havurah Shalom
Come explore key prayers of the High Holiday liturgy. We will be looking through the lens of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary in order to gain some translation skills and find essential meanings of the prayer(s). It is helpful to be able to decode the aleph-bet, although not necessary if you are comfortable with transliteration. Led by Patty Magid-Volk. All are welcome. RSVP
Steering Meeting
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, September 10 — Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Gimel
Steering members and staff will meet to consider matters of governance. All Havurah Shalom members are invited to attend Steering Committee meetings. Click here for Zoom login links (must be logged in) or call the office in advance for assistance (503-248-4662).
Make a Jewish Calendar
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Wednesdays, Sept. 11, 18 — Zoom Room Bet
We will make a paper Jewish wall calendar and datebook (paper or virtual) for the coming Jewish year together in two two-hour sessions. Led by Carolina Martinez, the class is geared toward school-age children, teens and adults. You choose the themes and formatting for your calendar and planner and Carolina Martinez helps you find a starting point and resources and guides you in the assembly. Please RSVP so Carolina can plan ahead and send materials in advance for printing and for class use. All are welcome. RSVP and learn more
Kabbalat Shabbat Service (in the New Format!)
5:45 pm Hearty Nosh; 6:30 pm Service; 7:30 pm Oneg Nosh plus Dessert, Friday, September 13 – Havurah Shalom (and also in Zoom Room Aleph at 6:30 pm for the Service)
A musical, all-ages Friday night service with family-friendly hearty nosh before and nosh plus dessert after. All are welcome! No registration needed. Free childcare provided.
5:45 pm — Hearty Nosh (in person at Havurah)
6:30 pm — Service (in person at Havurah and in Zoom Room Aleph)
7:30 pm — Oneg Nosh plus Dessert (in person at Havurah)
Havurah members, please consider donating a bit of your time to help! Check out the Sept. 13 volunteer sign-up sheet.
Shabbat Morning with Bat Mitzvah of Emma Blau
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, September 14 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Emma Blau as a Bat Mitzvah and member of our community. All are welcome.
Latino/Latine Heritage Gathering
5 pm to 8 pm, Monday, September 16 – Havurah Shalom
Join the Havurah community as we celebrate Latino Heritage Month!
Havurahnik Victor Grimaldi will introduce a documentary about the "Chicano!" movement made possible by labor leaders Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez. Our good friend Keren Rodriguez with IMIrJ (Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice) will facilitate the Q&A and discuss personal experiences, the impact of the movement, and what we learn from the film. And we will enjoy delicious Latin American food, made locally in the Portland area. Please join this in-person event at Havurah Shalom. All are welcome. RSVP requested by Friday, Sept. 13.
Exploring the Torah: Authors, Eras, and Agendas
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Mondays, Sept. 16, 23, 30 — Zoom Room Bet
Torah was a massive, multi-century writing and editing project. We’ll dip into by whom and for whom, when, where—and why. Inspired by the work of Gil Kidron. Led by Howard Patterson. All are welcome. RSVP
High Holidays in Places You Might Not Expect
7 pm, Thursday, Sept. 19 — Havurah Shalom
Soon we will be celebrating the High Holidays as we do every year, and maybe similarly to how we marked these holidays when we were growing up. Yet, did you know that there are many extraordinary Jewish communities around the world celebrating our new year with so much exuberance? While there are similarities between how the holidays are observed here and elsewhere, there are many differences as well. Come learn about how Jews in parts of India, Southern Italy, various countries of Africa, and several other global communities celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! Led by Judi Kloper, a Havurah member who serves on the board of Kulanu, an international nonprofit that supports isolated, emerging, and returning Jews and Jewish communities worldwide. All are welcome. RSVP
Multiy-Synagogue Torah Study, Led by Emily Simon
9 am to 10 am, Saturday, September 21 — Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Bet
On the third Saturday of the month (Shabbat morning), we have a multi-synagogue Torah Study, led by Emily Simon. Other congregations joining Havurah Shalom include Temple Sholom in Monticello New York, Emek Shalom in Ashland, Oregon, and Mayim Shalom in Coos Bay, Oregon. We may even have some folks joining us from other parts of the country and maybe the world. No prior knowledge or study is necessary. All viewpoints are welcome as we try to draw lessons from our holy books. Email info@havurahshalom.org for Zoom link. All are welcome.
Siddur Repair Workshop
1 pm to 5 pm, Saturday, Sept 21 — Havurah Shalom
Would you like to learn some basic book mending skills and help mend our many siddurim? Joe Clement, a Havurah member who works for Multnomah County Library, is offering a tutorial and tikkun workshop. All are welcome. Tools will be provided, but please RSVP so we know how many we need.
Teen Honey Cake Baking
10 am, Sunday, Sept. 22 — Havurah Shalom
The Teen Engagement Committee invites all Havurah teens to learn how to bake honey cake to share with family and friends as we start the New Year with a sweet treat. All are welcome. RSVP
Birding Together
10 am to 12 pm (noon), Sunday, Sept. 22 — Sellwood Park
Meet at the Sellwood Park parking lot at SE 7th Ave and Sellwood Blvd for a leisurely walk to look for birds. Join experienced birders Cindy and Andrew Merrill to see how many different species we can find and identify together. Birding expertise is not required, but interest in nature is helpful. We’ll walk from the parking lot down a gradual slope to a dirt and gravel path to the wetland. The path is not suitable for wheelchairs or strollers, and bikes and dogs are not permitted. Questions? Call, text, or email Cindy Merrill (member login required to access directory). All are welcome. Read other key event info and RSVP.