History of the Sephardic Jews and Their Language, Ladino
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Thursdays, January 23, January 30, and February 6 – Havurah Shalom
Who are the Sephardic Jews? What is their history and what is their language? We will focus on the Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal who settled in the Ottoman Empire and their language, Ladino. You will learn where they lived, the communities they formed, and what happened to them in the Holocaust and post-Holocaust. You will be exposed to Sephardic culture, music, and literature. You will get a taste of the Ladino language, how it formed, how it was used, its literature, and its proverbs. If you speak modern Spanish, you should take this class. If you don’t speak modern Spanish, you should take this class. Led by Roger Brewer. RSVP
Solidarity Shabbat
5:45 pm Hearty Potluck Nosh, 6:15 pm Grounding & Introduction, 6:30 pm Service, 7:30 pm Kiddush & Schmooze, Friday, January 24-– Havurah Shalom (w/ the 6:15 pm Grounding & Introduction and 6:30 pm Service also in Zoom Room Aleph)
Join Havurah members and friends for a Solidarity Shabbat service and potluck nosh. This is a spiritual space for community members working in solidarity with Palestinians — and for the liberation of all peoples — to come together to pray, build connections, and renew ourselves on Shabbat to continue our justice work. Free childcare. Questions? Contact Rocky Cohen or Nat Lerner (member login required to access directory) or leave a question in your registration notes. Visit the RSVP page to register to attend and learn more, including potluck and snack buffet specifics, masking requests, and community guidelines. Looking forward to seeing you there! RSVP
Havurah's Climate Action Team's Monthly Meeting (HCAT)
5 pm to 6:30 pm, Monday, January 27 -– Zoom Room Bet
Havurahniks, join the Climate Action Team's monthly meeting.
Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
6 pm to 7:30 pm, Monday, January 27 -– Zoom Room Heh
We hold monthly letter-writing group Zoom gatherings (last Mondays) to write letters to our lawmakers for Israel/Palestine justice. Feel free to drop in any time!
Questions? Email Dale Oller. Non-Havurah-members very welcome to join as well.
Book Group: Tracing Homelands: Israel, Palestine, and the Claims of Belonging by Linda Dittmar
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, January 28 – Zoom Room Bet
For January, we invite you to read and discuss Tracing Homelands by Linda Dittmar (nonfiction, 240 pages), which is, per the publisher, "an intimate, beautifully written account that uncovers inconvenient truths about an embattled Israeli-Palestinian history that is often buried in silence." Discussion led by Barbara Hershey. Nonmembers welcome. RSVP. A list of the 2024-25 books is available here.
Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
5:30 pm to 7 pm, Thursdays, Jan. 30 to March 3 – Zoom Room Dalet
The Havurah Ma’avar Committee is offering a six-week grief process-support group for Havurah members in any stage of grief. Chaplain Candi Wuhrman will facilitate the group with a focus on the dying experience, the impact of the relationship, the things unsaid, making peace within ourselves, forgiveness, and continuing the relationship after death. RSVP
Reparations Shabbat: Exploring Our Relationships with Indigenous Peoples.
10 am to 2:30 pm, Saturday, February 1 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
All are invited to a Shabbat Morning Service, Reparations: A Journey. The focus of our Shabbat service (including a drash and mini drashot) will be hearing Havurah members describing their individual journeys of reckoning with their relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Lunch will follow. This Reparations Shabbat is presented by Havurah's Racial Justice Committee. Questions? Please contact Kathy Gordon or Julia Lager Mesulam (member login required to access the directory). RSVP for lunch or childcare by Tuesday, January 28.
Tot Shabbat
10:30 am to 11:15 am, Saturday, February 1 – Havurah Shalom
Young children (0-5) and parents celebrate with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling. All are welcome! Please RSVP when you plan to come. We provide free childcare for those staying to enjoy the full Shabbat service that ends at noon and which is followed by a light community brunch. Email info@havurahshalom.org to learn more. RSVP
Short Films by Palestinian Filmmakers
11:30-1 pm, Sunday, February 2 — Havurah Shalom
As part of the Center of Jewish Non-Violence’s Solidarity Month, Havurah members are invited to view short films by Palestinian filmmakers from the collection From Ground Zero, which can be viewed at home or at Cinema 21, then come to a discussion and nosh. Please RSVP. Links to the films will be sent when you RSVP. For more information, contact Dale Oller. RSVP
Game Day for Havurah Members
3-5 pm, Sunday, February 2 — Havurah Shalom
The Havurah Welcome Committee invites Havurah members to Game Day. Fun! Meet new people! Bring a game. There will be coffee and cookies! Let's play!

Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual
7-8:15 pm, Sunday, February 2 — Zoom Room Heh
A gender-inclusive New Moon group, learning and celebrating each Rosh Ḥodesh with ancient and contemporary ritual. Led by Andrine de la Rocha. RSVP
Havurah's Participation & Leadership Retreat
9:45-3 pm, Sunday, February 9 — Havurah Shalom
We are inviting Havurah community members who are already involved with a committee, or those who would like to become involved, to join us at the annual leadership retreat. Please RSVP at this link by January 29. Questions? Contact Debbi Nadell, co-chair of Havurah's Leadership Development Committee.
Monthly Music Jam
7-8:30 pm, Monday, February 10 — Havurah Shalom
Join your fellow Havurah musicians for an evening of playing and singing together—for the joy of it! Jams are led by fellow Havurah members and are completely democratic--everyone chooses songs! Our songbook includes both Jewish and secular songs from a wide range of artists and eras. RSVP