Tot Shabbat
10:30 am to 11:15 am, Saturday, December 7 – Havurah Shalom
Young children (0-5) and parents celebrate with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling. All are welcome! Please RSVP when you plan to come. We provide free childcare for those staying to enjoy the full Shabbat service that ends at noon and which is followed by a light community brunch. Email to learn more. RSVP
Parenting Huddle: What to do with the G Word (God)?
3:10 am to 4:30 am, Saturday, December 7 – Havurah Shalom
Explore real-life questions that we face as parents/guardians/grandparents, with some guidance from our Jewish texts and values, and each other.
For the Dec. 7 Parenting Huddle: All are welcome in this discussion – ardent atheists, those with a strong God relationship, those with questions, clarity, skepticism, enthusiasm, and everything in between. Facilitated by Deborah Eisenbach-Budner. Member and non-member parents/guardians/grandparents welcome; please RSVP by December 4.
Cancelled: Create a Personal Chanukah Card
4 pm to 5:15 pm, Sunday, December 8 – Zoom Room Bet
Teen Engagement Committee Meeting
7 pm, Monday, December 9 – Zoom Room Bet
Monthly meeting for the Teen Engagement Committee leadership. Havurah teens and their parents are welcome.
Steering Meeting
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, December 10 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Gimel
Steering members and staff will meet to consider matters of governance. All Havurah Shalom members are invited to attend Steering Committee meetings. For Zoom join links, visit (must be logged in) or call the office in advance for assistance (503-248-4662).
Monthly Racial Justice Committee Meeting
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Thursday (2nd Thursdays), December 12 – Zoom Room Bet
Havurahniks, join the Racial Justice Committee Monthly Meeting, where we spend some time learning together and planning activities for our community. We welcome new committee members all the time! Come check us out if you are curious! Questions? Contact Julia Lager Mesulam. Learn more on the Havurah calendar.
Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration: Friday, December 13
5:45 pm (Hearthy Nosh), 6:30 pm (Service), 7:30 (Continued Hearty Nosh, Plus Dessert), Friday, December 13 – Havurah Shalom (and 6:30 pm Service also in Zoom Room Aleph)
A musical, all-ages Friday night service with hearty nosh before the service and continued hearty nosh plus dessert after. All are welcome! Free childcare is provided! No need to RSVP, but please see the Dec. 13 event page for important information.
Parenting Huddle: Will the Real Chanukah Please Stand Up? And Other December Dilemmas
3:10 pm to 4:30 pm, Saturday, December 14 — Havurah Shalom
Explore real-life questions that we face as parents/guardians/grandparents, with some guidance from our Jewish texts and values, and each other. For the Dec. 14 Parenting Huddle, Havurah parents and grandparents of all backgrounds and with (grand)children of any age, please join us as we look into the contentious historical roots of Chanukah, many of which parallel questions of cultural and religious identity that we still contend with today, as well as its evolution through time. We will try to articulate what we want Chanukah to really be about for our families at this point as well as discuss the particular challenges that our diverse families face at this time of year as well. Bring your thoughts, questions, family traditions, recipes, favorite children's Chanukah books, etc. Facilitated by Deborah Eisenbach-Budner. Member and non-member parents/guardians/grandparents welcome; please RSVP by December 11.
Havurah Members to Share Experience Volunteering with Center for Jewish Nonviolence in the West Bank
4 pm to 5:30 pm, Sunday December 15 — Havurah Shalom
Havurah Members Matthew Nelkin and Dale Oller invite you to join for an in-person Havurah gathering in which they will share their experiences volunteering with the Center for Jewish Nonviolence (CJNV) last August in the South Hebron Hills of Masafer Yatta. The afternoon will be moderated by Havurahnik Sally Goldman, who participated previously as a CJNV volunteer. All are welcome, Havurah members and non-members alike.See the Sunday, Dec. 15 Havurah event page. |
See a packet on the CJNV’s work.
Teen Tikkun Olam Food Prep
4 pm to 6 pm, Sunday, December 15 -– Havurah Shalom
For Havurah teens. We will be baking, making sandwiches, and preparing other edible items to support members of P:ear or Blanchet House. RSVP
HCAT Invites You to Discuss Chapters of How Precious the Ground on Which We Stand: Jewish Values that Could Save the Earth — Author to Join Final Meeting!
5 pm to 6 pm, Mondays, Dec. 16 (Ch. 3 & 4) and Jan. 13 (Ch. 5, 6, and Epilogue) -– Zoom Room Gimel
Join Havurah’s Climate Action Team (HCAT) in Zoom Room Gimel for a slow read of How Precious the Ground on Which We Stand: Jewish Values that Could Save the Earth by Rabbi Sheldon (Shelly) Lewis. Each chapter stands on its own; no worries if this will be your first time joining us. Rabbi Sheldon, the author of the book, will be joining us for the Jan. 13 discussion! Books are available at If you're interested in purchasing an inscribed copy directly from the author, email Elianne Lieberman (member login required to access directory) for purchasing info. All are welcome. You’ll receive Zoom info upon registering. RSVP for Dec. 16 | RSVP for Jan. 13
Havurahnik Summer Camp Songs Singalong and Jam
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday, December 16 — Havurah Shalom
Havurahniks, come join the combined instrumental jam and singalong groups to play and sing summer camp songs. You'll have to imagine the fire and the smoke ... Together we'll revisit those magic memories of camp. Everyone will have the opportunity to request their favorite songs. Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing, mark your calendars, and RSVP. Can't wait to sing and play together!
Book Group: The Diary Keepers by Nina Siegel (on Zoom only)
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, December 17 — Zoom Room Bet
The Havurah Shalom Book Group meets monthly to discuss fiction and nonfiction books voted on by Havurah members. All are welcome to any and all meetings. Copies of our upcoming books can be checked out by members in the Havurah library. For December, we invite you to read and discuss … The Diary Keepers by Nina Siegel (nonfiction, 544 pages). The Diary Keepers in an account of WWII and the Holocaust through the diaries of Dutch citizens, firsthand accounts of ordinary people living in extraordinary times… both Jew and gentile. Discussion led by Yvonne Cohen. Both members of Havurah and non-members are welcome. You can join on Dec. 17 via Zoom. RSVP for Zoom info.
Dreams in the Torah, Dreams in Our Lives
6:30 pm to 7:45 pm, Tuesdays, Dec. 3, 17; Jan. 7, 21; Feb. 4, 18 — Havurah Shalom
Dreams are important messages in the Torah and, some say, from our unconscious minds. We will explore the dreams of our ancestors as a prelude to sharing and learning about our own dreams, using a facilitated process from the Haden Institute, based in Jungian, Gestalt and Jeremy Taylor methodologies. Facilitated by Adela Basayne. Limited to 8 participants. (You can still join starting with the next session on Dec. 17. A few spots are still available as of now.) RSVP to join this course.
Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah (Now Starting on January 8)
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Wednesdays, Jan. 8 to Jun. 18 — Havurah Shalom
Using an in-depth, word-by-word approach, we discover literal meaning(s), ancient layers of understanding, and our own personal interpretations that stem from the nuances of the Hebrew text. Basic Hebrew decoding skills necessary. RSVP to join this course.
Hakol Submission Deadline is Thursday, December 19
The deadline for submissions to the January 2025 issue of our monthly newsletter, Hakol, is Thursday, December 19. Havurah members: To read the submission guidelines and submit your short articles, go to > News > Submit News & Requests > Click on the Hakol Submission Form. Or click on this link to go directly to the Hakol submission form. Reach out to Tara Anderson (, Havurah Participation and Publications Coordinator, if you have questions.
Multi-Synagogue Torah Study, Led by Emily Simon
9 am to 10 am, Saturday, December 21 (Third Saturdays) – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Bet
All viewpoints are welcome as we try to draw lessons from our holy books. No prior knowledge or study is necessary. Multi-synagogue Torah Study includes engagement from members of congregations in Oregon and New York and beyond. All are welcome. Learn more on the Havurah calendar.
Shabbat Morning with Bar Mitzvah of Ezrah Szego
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, December 21 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Ezrah Szego as a Bar Mitzvah and member of our community. All are welcome.