Havurah Shalom Office Closures: December 25
The Havurah office will be closed on Wednesday, December 25
Solidarity Shabbat
5:45 pm Hearty Potluck Nosh, 6:15 pm Grounding & Introduction, 6:30 pm Service, 7:30 pm Kiddush & Schmooze, Friday, December 27 -– Havurah Shalom (w/ the 6:15 pm Grounding & Introduction and 6:30 pm Service also in Zoom Room Aleph)
Join Havurah members and friends for a Solidarity Shabbat service, Chanukah celebration, and potluck nosh. This is a spiritual space for community members working in solidarity with Palestinians — and for the liberation of all peoples — to come together to pray, build connections, and renew ourselves on Shabbat to continue our justice work. Free childcare provided! Please review Havurah's proposed Brit Kavod for our community guidelines. Masks strongly encouraged and provided; the organizers request that all attendees who are able do so mask during the Grounding & Introduction and Service portions. A vegetarian snack buffet will be provided with gluten free and dairy free options. If you are able, you may also bring a small dish of your choice to share. We are a vegetarian (fish ok) facility. Gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan food and drink welcome! (Havurahniks, would you like to sign up for a volunteer role, like door greeting or helping with setup/clean-up? Non-members, be our guests!) Questions? Contact Rocky Cohen or Nat Lerner (member login required to access directory), or leave a question in your registration notes. Learn more and RSVP.
Chanukah Celebration
4 pm to 6 pm, Sunday, December 29 — Havurah Shalom (with a Zoom Room Aleph track of programming starting at 4:45 pm)
All are invited to celebrate the lights of Chanukah at Havurah Shalom!
Fun for adults, teens, and children alike. You can bring latkes for the latke contest, lovingly used items for the swap table/give-away table, warm clothing for the tikkun olam winter drive, and kids and teens to enjoy games and the gaga pit! (Havurahniks, sign up for a door greeter shift or Chanukah Chelper shift. Most shifts are 15 minutes.) Questions? Contact Wendy Castineira (member login required to access the directory). Learn More & RSVP.
Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
6 pm to 7:30 pm, Monday, December 30 — Zoom Room Heh
We hold monthly letter-writing group Zoom gatherings (last Mondays) to write letters to our lawmakers for Israel/Palestine justice. Feel free to drop in any time! There’s no need to RSVP; however, please do RSVP for the Dec. 30 letter-writing group if you need the Zoom login. Non-Havurah-members very welcome to join as well. Questions? Email Dale Oller (member log-in required to access directory).
Havurah Shalom Office Closures: January 1
The Havurah office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1.
Text and Torah Shabbat: Rituals of Shabbat
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, January 4 — Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
One hour of text study with Diane Chaplin on special topics, followed by a brief service. Join us afterward for a light community brunch provided by the Lunches and Noshes Committee! Free childcare is provided. For Zoom information, please email info@havurhshalom.org in advance.
Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual: Tevet
7 pm, Sunday, January 5 – Meeting in Zoom Room Heh during the winter; future gatherings to take place in Zoom Room Heh or in Inner NE.
A gender-inclusive New Moon group, learning and celebrating each Rosh Ḥodesh with ancient and contemporary ritual. Open to any and all genders, inviting each to connect with our closest heavenly body, the Moon. Gatherings take place monthly on or near the new moon of each Hebrew month at 7 pm on the Sunday closest to the New Moon, either on Zoom or in person - outdoors in inner North/East Portland - depending on seasonal shifts in the weather. Attend any or all sessions; all are welcome. RSVP to be updated on location and other details throughout the year.
Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Wednesdays, Jan. 8 to Jun. 18 — Havurah Shalom
Using an in-depth, word-by-word approach, we discover literal meaning(s), ancient layers of understanding, and our own personal interpretations that stem from the nuances of the Hebrew text. Basic Hebrew decoding skills necessary. RSVP to join this course.
Racial Justice Committee Meeting
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Thursday, January 9 — Zoom Room Bet
Havurahniks, join the Racial Justice Committee Monthly Meeting where we spend some time learning together and planning activities for our community. We welcome new committee members all the time! Come check us out if you are curious! Questions? Contact Julia Lager-Mesulam (member login needed to access directory). (*Havurah members: For Zoom room info, go to HavurahShalom.org/Zoom and log in to your member account.*)
Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration
5:45 pm Hearty Nosh, 6:30 pm Service, 7:30 pm Continued Hearty Nosh, Plus Dessert, Friday, January 10 — Havurah Shalom (w/ 6:30 pm Service also in Zoom Room Aleph)
A musical, all-ages Friday night service with hearty nosh before the service and continued hearty nosh plus dessert after. All are welcome! Free childcare is provided! Learn more.
Tot Shabbat
10:30 am to 11:15 am, Saturday, January 11 – Havurah Shalom
Young children (0-5) and parents celebrate with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling. All are welcome! Please RSVP when you plan to come. We provide free childcare for those staying to enjoy the full Shabbat service that ends at noon and which is followed by a light community brunch. Email info@havurahshalom.org to learn more. RSVP
Two-Part Series on Engaging with Antisemitism
4 pm to 6 pm, Sundays, January 12 and 26 — Havurah Shalom
Using sections of the book Safety through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism, we'll gather as Havurah members on January 12 to share personal experiences and reflect together about the reading and antisemitism in general. We'll gather again on January 26, along with members of First Unitarian Church, to host co-author Shane Burley and explore how we can fight antisemitism, in solidarity with others. Participating Havurah members should be able to attend both sessions and do some reading and reflecting before each session. Childcare will be available as well. RSVPs required for this two-part series at Havurah Shalom.
How Precious the Ground Book Discussion: Ch. 5, 6, and Epilogue
5 pm to 6 pm, Monday, January 13 — Zoom Room Gimel
Join Havurah’s Climate Action Team (HCAT) for a discussion of Chapters 5, 6, and Epilogue from How Precious the Ground on Which We Stand: Jewish Values that Could Save the Earth by Rabbi Sheldon (Shelly) Lewis. Each chapter stands on its own; no worries if this will be your first time joining us. Please RSVP. All are welcome. Zoom info will be shared when you register. (Book's author set to join for this conversation!)
Make Your Own Haggadah
6:30 pm to 7:45 pm, Mondays, January 13, 20, 27 and February 3 - Zoom Room Heh
Adults and teens, put your own mark on the seder by making your own Haggadah to tell the story of the Exodus! We'll meet four times and focus on choosing and making art, selecting readings to include, selecting songs for a songbook and playlist, and telling the story of the plagues. At the end, you will have a document you can print or share to be used at your seder, along with a songbook and playlist you can sing along with! Led by Carolina Martinez. Learn more and RSVP.
Teen Engagement Meeting
7 pm, Monday, January 13 — Zoom Room Bet
Monthly meeting for the Teen Engagement Committee leadership. Havurah teens and their parents are welcome. Questions? Contact Andy Waxman and Michelle Bobowick. (*Havurah members: For Zoom room info, go to HavurahShalom.org/Zoom and log in to your member account.*)
Monthly Music Jam
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday, January 13 — Havurah Shalom
Monthly music jams are back! Tune your instrument, warm up your voice and head down to Havurah to jam with us. Join your fellow Havurah musicians for an evening of playing and singing together—for the joy of it! Jams are led by fellow Havurah members and are completely democratic--everyone chooses songs! Our songbook includes both Jewish and secular songs from a wide range of artists and eras. RSVP