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(ZM) Creative Ways to Express Your Grief

Past Sessions
Sunday, September 3, 2023 17 Elul 5783 - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Zoom Room Bet
Sunday, August 20, 2023 3 Elul 5783 - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Zoom Room Bet

In these three sessions, we will develop creative ways to honor and memorialize loved ones we have lost. We welcome you to come into the space at any place emotionally you are at with grief you hold in your heart. We will share ideas for coping that first year and beyond, from a mental/emotional level to a creative level (however that looks for you—all ways are important and valued), and we will hold a safe space for any feelings that come up during our time together to share stories and memories.

In our first class, we will get to know each other, then Carolina will share ideas an examples of creative ways to honor your loved one. Templates and idea lists will also be distributed ahead of this first class.  We will discuss and begin thinking about what ways that loved one can still have an honored place in your holidays and special events, such as b’nei mitzvah, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and yarzheits. We will learn how to create mourning ribbons, which are decorative pieces to wear while your heart is still very tender.

Your work between the first and second class is to find some memorial ritual you want to incorporate:  a holiday card where your loved one has a place, a way to exhibit photos, letters, poetry or memoir writing, music, home altars, art pieces etc., based on the ideas given or cool ideas you come up with.  Ericka will hold space and facilitate a safe circle where everyone feels included. Both Ericka and Carolina will help, if requested, with picking a project that feels right for you.

The second class is where anyone who feels comfortable can, optionally, share what you have created or put together. Those who feel comfortable can tell a memory or a story about their loved one in the safe space we have created together. (Please note this session begins at noon while the other two begin at 2 pm.)

The third class is an additional opportunity to share memories and stories in the safe space we have created together. At any time over our three sessions, remember it is a safe place to ask questions about memory/honoring projects and rituals, and to share and or listen, to feel supported and not alone. We will email you a supply list, templates for art, writing prompts, and a special event/holiday planning worksheet before the class begins.

Led by Ericka Kimball and Carolina Martinez.

Please RSVP so we know you are coming, and we can get supplies to you ahead of class.



Elul Tov!

This event is being offered as part of Havurah Shalom’s celebration of the Hebrew month of Elul! As Elul precedes Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we use this time for study, reflection, and mental and spiritual preparation. All are invited to attend our gatherings, which span spiritual, text-based, political, ecological and creative topics. We hope you will find them enriching, fun, moving, and worthwhile. You can find the full list of classes here, or see the calendar. For questions about this programming, please reach out to Rachel Pollak.

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