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Chanukah Celebration

Thursday, December 29, 2016 29 Kislev 5777

6:30 PM - 8:00 PMHavurah

Havurah’s Chanukah Celebration offers fun for all ages. A potluck oneg of plate-free desserts at 6:30 pm will be followed by storytelling and candle lighting led by Rachel Duke and Deborah Eisenbach-Budner, and singing led by Beth Hamon, Aaron Pearlman, Barbara Gundle, and other Havurah musicians.

Afterward, we'll have several tables of dreidel playing for those who want to play - including multigenerational tables playing for Chanukah gelt and a table of adults playing for money. In addition to bringing a plate-free dessert for the oneg, bring a favorite adult drink to share with the adult-aged crowd if you wish. We’ll add lots of light and laughter to the evening!

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