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(IP) Elul Food Drive

Past Sessions
Sunday, September 18, 2022 22 Elul 5782 - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Havurah Shalom
Friday, August 26, 2022 29 Av 5782 - 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Havurah Shalom

Elul is approaching, giving us time to prepare for the High Holidays. In thinking about others, Our Poverty and Homelessness Committee is conducting a food drive during the month of Elul to benefit The Common Good Project. Originally named The Homeless Relief Initiative, its continuing mission is to provide meals to homeless people in several Northeast tent communities. Food delivery, along with hot meals, continues under the name of The Common Good Project.

Please donate to our food drive by bringing the following items to Havurah Shalom on the dates specified above.

Much time and conscientious effort have gone into developing this list of foods, which will withstand the street tent community conditions and which many at the camps appreciate. These items are left with people in addition to a hot meal. They are easy to eat without cooking facilities, can be opened without a can opener, and are soft to accommodate dental issues.


Foods Needed

Canned fruit with pull-tops

Canned vegetables with pull-tops

Gatorade, juices, sodas

Granola bars/bars of any sort

Instant oatmeal

Chips or popcorn

Any stew or hearty item with pull-tops

Cookies, crackers, chips and snacks


Dried fruit

Sippable vegetables (like for little kids)

Applesauce (no glass)

Candy (There is a big sweet teeth out there!)

Nut butter (no glass)

Jelly (no glass)


Shelf-stable milk (dairy and non-dairy, not powdered, please)

Powdered chocolate milk mix

Instant soups and foods (ramen is a favorite)


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