(HYB) Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration
Friday, March 8, 2024 • 28 Adar I 5784
6:00 PM - 8:30 PMHavurah ShalomA family-friendly oneg followed by a service led by Rabbi Benjamin and Havurah musicians, with dinner afterward. 6 pm Oneg, 6:30 Service, 7:30 (registration-only) Dinner.
ONEG AND SERVICE: The oneg (6 pm) and service (6:30 pm) do not require an RSVP/registration. All are welcome.
DINNER: The dinner portion (7:30 pm) is by registration only, and the dinner is presently full, although there may very well be drops, so feel free to get on the waitlist. You'll be notified by email if there is an opening. Email Tara using the instructions below if you want to get on the waitlist.
DINNER WAITLIST: Havurahniks, if you'd like to get on the waitlist the March 8 dinner, please email tara@havurahshalom.org and put "March 8 Dinner Waitlist Request" in the subject line of your email.
In your email, please be sure to note the following: (a) The first and last names of everyone in your party (including yourself) for dinner name tags; (b) the total number of adult dinners (for those age 11 and older) and child dinners (for those age 10 and younger); (c) any dietary restrictions we should know about so we can attempt to accomodate them; and (d) the number of children under 10 (if any) that you will be bringing children for our (free) childcare.
(As usual for Kabbalat Shabbat dinners, we ask you to consider a suggested contribution of $18 for each meal, in recognition that the actual cost for food and preparation is $40. Instructions on how to make any such contributions will be provided to you after your dinner registration is confirmed. Again, dinner registration is full now, but there may be openings if there are any cancellations.)
CANCELLING DINNER RESERVATIONS: If you registered for the March 8, 2024 dinner and have since determined that you (or anyone in your party) won't be able to make it, please email Tara Anderson (tara@havurahshalom.org) as soon as possible. Please include "March 8 Dinner Cancelation" in the subject line of your email. Please also make sure to list the names of all people who are canceling in your party.
Havurahniks, can you help out at the March Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration. Many helping hands are needed to make Kabbalat Shabbat a success each month? Click here to explore available volunteer shifts, which start at just 15 minutes.
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