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Potluck Lunch, Tashlich Service & Tikkun Olam Fair

Sunday, September 16, 2018 7 Tishrei 5779

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

See description and RSVP form below.


First Name

Last name

Join us at noon for a potluck lunch at Willamette Park, followed by music and a Tashlich service.

Whatever your age and stage in this journey of life, Tashlich is for YOU. Young and older adults, parents of young and older children, empty nesters and alter rockers, you are all welcome and invited to come to Tashlich. Enjoy the music, singing, engaging service, casting off ritual at the river, and Tikkun Olam fair.

We’ll begin at noon with a vegetarian (and kosher fish) potluck lunch, followed by a musical Tashlich service and walk to the river. (Last names A-J bring salads, appetizers, fruit and drinks, K-Z bring main dishes.) Dessert will be provided by Havurah back at the tables after the Tashlich ritual.

A Tikkun Olam fair, sponsored by the Tikkun Olam Committee, will feature table displays of projects that people can get involved with in the new year. Co-leaders Cassandra Sagan and Jared Goodman will be joined by musicians Jacob Mandelsberg, Tanja Lux, Larry Reichman, Aaron Pearlman, and Steven Sandberg-Lewis to lead us in an interactive and welcoming service for all ages.


How many adults will attend?

How many children will attend?

Names and ages of children

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