Welcome! Havurah Shalom gatherings take place in person, on Zoom, or both (hybrid). We use the following shorthand before event names: (IP) for in person, (ZM) for Zoom, and (HYB) for hybrid. Please click into an event for more detailed location information.
Candlelighting and Havdallah times are for reference only.
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
Lag B'Omer 33rd Day Omer - 1:00pm (IP) Teen Engagement Activity
| | 35th Day Omer - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 7:00pm Experience the Omer: Making it Count!
- 7:00pm (ZM) Book Group: Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? by Anthony Lerman
| 36th Day Omer - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
| | | Shabbat Mevarchim 39th Day Omer Bechukotai - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning
- 10:30am (IP) Tot Shabbat
- 9:43pm Havdalah
40th Day Omer - 10:00am (HYB) Congregational Meeting
| 41st Day Omer - 1:00pm Mahjong Group
- 7:00pm (HYB) ABM Alumni Study Group
| 42nd Day Omer - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 6:30pm (HYB) Steering Meeting (w/ Draft Agenda)
- 7:00pm Experience the Omer: Making it Count!
| Yom Yerushalayim 43rd Day Omer - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 4:30pm (IP) Bat Mitzvah Practice
- 5:00pm (IP) Service Leader Planning Meeting
- 7:00pm (HYB) Panim el Panim: Reflecting on Havurah’s Engagements with Israel/Palestine
| 44th Day Omer - 7:00pm (IP) B'nei Mitzvah Drash and Service Workshop
- 7:00pm (HYB) Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual
| Rosh Chodesh Sivan 45th Day Omer | 46th Day Omer Bamidbar - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning and Bat Mitzvah of Raisa Zusman-Carr
- 9:48pm Havdalah
47th Day Omer - 2:00pm (IP) IMIrJ Asylum Support Group
| 48th Day Omer - 7:00pm (ZM) Teen Engagement Committee Meeting
| Erev Shavuot 49th Day Omer - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 7:00pm (HYB) Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
- 8:42pm Candle Lighting
| Shavuot - 1st Day - 8:00am Shavuot Minyan (Yizkor)
- 5:00pm (IP) MACG Event
- 9:42pm Candle Lighting
| Shavuot Yizkor - 7:00pm (ZM) Monthly Racial Justice Meeting
- 7:00pm Racial Justice Committee Monthly Meeting
- 9:51pm Havdalah
| | Nasso - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning: Journey through the Shabbat Service
- 9:52pm Havdalah
| | - 11:00am (IP) Bar Mitzvah Run-through
- 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 7:00pm (ZM) Safety at Havurah: Training for Families
| | | Beha'alotcha - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am Shabbat Morning with Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Blackstein
- 9:54pm Havdalah
| - 5:00pm (ZM) Climate Action Team Meeting
- 6:00pm (ZM) Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
| - 11:00am (IP) Alter Rockers Event Planning Meeting
- 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 7:00pm (ZM) Book Group: All I Love and Know by Judith Frank
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
| - 4:30pm B'nei Mitzvah run through
| | Shabbat Mevarchim Sh'lach - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning
- 9:53pm Havdalah
| | - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
| | - 9:30am B'nei Mitzvah run through
- 8:44pm Candle Lighting
| Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Korach - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning and Bat Mitzvah of Noa Isabel Zaragoza
- 9:51pm Havdalah
Sunday, May 26, 2024 • 18 Iyyar 5784
Lag B'Omer
33rd Day Omer
1:00pm |
3:00pm |
Monday, May 27, 2024 • 19 Iyyar 5784
34th Day Omer
All |
Day |
Office Closed for Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 • 20 Iyyar 5784
35th Day Omer
12:00pm |
(HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
We gather to find some moments of quiet and shalom. Led by Rabbi Benjamin, Adela Basayne, Deborah Eisenbach-Budner, Nancy Becker, or Ria de Neeve.
We will meet both in-person (Havurah Sanctuary or Library) and in Zoom Room Bet.
Log in to the website and then visit havurahshalom.org/zoom or call the office for join info (503-248-4662).
All are welcome.
7:00pm |
7:30pm |
Zoom Room Dalet
[RSVP to be emailed a recording of the April 9 intro session.] The Omer is an ancient tradition marking time between the Exodus from the Narrow Place to the Expanse at Sinai. Explore tools and practices to facilitate your own learning and experience from Liberation to Revelation. We will have an intro class followed by half-hour check-ins, one for each Sephira. Led by Andrine de la Rocha. 7 pm, Tuesdays, Apr. 9 (Intro), 23 (Chesed), 30 (Gevurah); May 7 (Tiferet), 14 (Netzach), 21 (Hod), 28 (Yesod); Jun. 4 (Malchut) Led by Andrine de la Rocha.
7:00pm |
8:30pm |
Zoom Room Bet
The public, academics, journalists, activists and Jewish people themselves are divided over the meaning of antisemitism. Antony Lerman shows that this is a result of a 30-year process of redefinition of the phenomenon, casting Israel, problematically defined as the “persecuted collective Jew,” as one of its main targets. This political project has taken the notion of the “new antisemitism” and codified it in the flawed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s “working definition” of antisemitism. This text is the glue holding together an international network comprising the Israeli government, pro-Israel advocacy groups, Zionist organizations, Jewish communal defense bodies and sympathetic governments fighting a war against those who would criticize Israel. The consequences of this redefinition have been to suppress free speech on Palestine/Israel, legitimize Islamophobic right-wing forces, and politicize principled opposition to antisemitism.
Discussion led by Joel Beinin. Nonmembers welcome. RSVP for Zoom info.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 • 21 Iyyar 5784
36th Day Omer
8:30am |
(HYB) Morning Minyan
For all who want a regular prayer practice and for people saying Kaddish. We meet both in person and streaming online in Zoom Room Aleph. All are welcome. Please email info@havurahshalom.org for join info.
Thursday, May 30, 2024 • 22 Iyyar 5784
Friday, May 31, 2024 • 23 Iyyar 5784
38th Day Omer
8:34pm |
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, June 1, 2024 • 24 Iyyar 5784
Shabbat Mevarchim
39th Day Omer
Parshat Bechukotai
9:00am |
(HYB) Weekly Torah Study
An in-depth look at the weekly Torah reading, led by congregants. No prior knowledge or study is necessary. At Havurah Shalom and in Zoom Room Bet. Email info@havurahshalom.org for Zoom link.
10:00am |
12:00pm |
Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Led by community members and Rabbi Benjamin, this service includes davening, Torah reading, and discussion. For Zoom link (Zoom Room Aleph), email info@havurahshalom.org.
10:30am |
11:30am |
Havurah Shalom
Young children (0-5) and parents celebrate with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling. All are welcome.
9:43pm |
Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785