Monthly Racial Justice Committee Meeting
7 pm, Thursday, June 8 (second Thursday of the month) – Zoom Room Bet
Join the Racial Justice Committee's monthly meeting to hear what we have been up to and learn how you can be involved. Questions? Contact
Julia Lager-Mesulam.
Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Eisner
10 am, Saturday, June 10 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us in welcoming Shoshana Eisner as a Bat Mitzvah and member of our community.
Havurah Annual Congregational Meeting
10 am, Sunday, June 11 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please plan to join us — virtually or in person! All Havurah members in good standing are welcome to attend, participate, and vote on the budget. As is our custom, we will connect with each other through music, discussion, and learning.
Schmear and schmooze for in-person Havurahnik attendees: we encourage you to arrive about 15 minutes to enjoy bagels and coffee. (Childcare will be available at Havurah).
Taking Action Lunch Bunch
12 pm to 1 pm, Monday, June 12 – Zoom Room Heh (Note: June 12 Taking Action Lunch Bunch changed to Zoom-only.)
Do you get emails asking you to contact your elected official, but don’t find the few minutes it takes to call or email them? Looking to connect with other Havurahniks? We have the solution. Together, by Zoom, we’ll eat lunch, chat, and spend a few minutes taking our political action. From climate change to social justice, we’ll have info on who to call or write. Bring your suggestions too. Questions? Contact
Elianne Lieberman.
Steering Committee Meeting
6:30 pm, Tuesday, June 13 – Zoom Room Gimel
Havurah Shalom's Steering Committee will meet. All Havurah members are welcome to attend.
Grief Group
5:30 pm, Wednesdays from June 14 to July 26 – Zoom Room Gimel
The Havurah Ma’avar Committee is offering a seven-session grief process-support group for Havurah members. Havurahnik Chaplain Candi Wuhrman will facilitate the group, with a focus on the dying experience, the impact of the relationship, the things unsaid, making peace within ourselves, and continuing the relationship after death.
This is open to Havurah members at any stage and with any type of grief. It will be limited to eight to ten participants. Questions? Contact
Chaplain Candi Wuhrman.
Havurah Music Makers Jam Session: Jewish and Folk Music
7 pm, Wednesday, June 14 – Havurah Shalom Sanctuary
Gather with fellow Havurah Music Makers for a Jewish and folk music jam session. Questions? Contact
Julie Walcer.
Tot Shabbat
10:30 am to 11:30 am, Saturday, June 17 – Havurah Shalom
Young children (ages 0 to 5) and parents celebrate Shabbat with singing, movement, belessings, and storytelling.
Sing-along: Songs of Liberation
7 pm, Thursday, June 22– Havurah Shalom Sanctuary
In celebration of Juneteenth, please join us in song in the Sanctuary for a sing-along. We know that there are many Havurah folks who have expressed interest in singing in community—whether just for fun or to learn new songs. After the singing ends, we'll schmooze and share a little nosh. (Please refrain from attending if you are exhibiting any cold or flu symptoms. Click
here to review Havurah’s COVID Safety Guidelines.) Questions? Contact
Miriam Reshotko.
Bar Mitzvah of Hugo Emile Ungar-Gutierrez
10 am, Saturday, June 24 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us in welcoming Hugo Emile Ungar-Gutierrez as a Bar Mitzvah and member of our community.
Meeting for Proposed Havurah Committee: Committee for Palestinian Justice
1 pm, Sunday, June 25 – Havurah Shalom
Havurahniks, please join us for the next meeting of the proposed Havurah Committee for Palestinian Justice. At our last meeting, we decided that our first advocacy campaign would be in support of Betty McCollum’s bill “Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act." We will be discussing how Havurah can help promote this important legislation and improve its chance of becoming law. We will also be voting on a charter to present to the Steering Committee. Questions? Contact
Sally Goldman,
David Newman, and/or
David Lewis.
Climate Action Team Meeting
5:30 pm, Monday, June 26 – Zoom Room Gimel
Join the monthly meeting of the Havurah Climate Action Team (HCAT).
Book Group: Children of the Stone by Sandy Tolan
7 pm, Tuesday, June 27 – Zoom Room Bet
Sandy Tolan, author of
The Lemon Tree, tells the story of Ramzi Aburedwan, a boy from a Palestinian refugee camp who participated in the 1st Intifada.
Children of the Stone chronicles Ramzi's journey—from stone thrower to music student to school founder—and shows how through his love of music he created something lasting and beautiful in the midst of the violence of the Occupation. (Nonfiction: 480 pages.) Discussion led by Joel Beinin. Nonmembers welcome.
RSVP for Zoom info.