Kabbalah and Hasidism Through the Life of Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Thursday, May 2 and Thursday, May 9 – Zoom Room Dalet
Using Buber's The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, we will look at the life of Rabbi Nachman, his teachings, and his profound stories. This class will involve some meditation and journaling to help us reflect. Led by Harriet Cooke. RSVP
Prayer Flags for Our Planet: Guided Tour Hours with the Artist, Anne Nesse
11 am to 3 pm, Thursday, May 2 and Thursday, May 9 – Havurah Shalom
Come to Havurah during these hours (11 am to 3 pm on May 2 orMay 9) for a guided tour of Prayer Flags for Our Planet, from the artist, Anne Nesse. "This exhibit is about science and art. It is meant to be a learning experience, about the top 60 solutions to climate change, as researched by over 5,000 scientists. And most importantly it is about hope. It is about learning about these solutions to climate change and changing the hearts and minds of those around us, so that we can all work together." - Anne Nesse. Learn more.
Contemplative Shabbat
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, May 4 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
We will chant verses and spend time in silent prayer or meditation, then connect through Torah discussion and share blessings. Led by Rabbi Benjamin.
Spring New(ish) Member Welcome Brunch
10 am to 12 pm, Sunday, May 5 – Havurah Shalom
All Havurahniks are welcome at the brunch, new and old alike! Questions? Email Wendy Castineira, Kehillah (Community) Cluster Lead. RSVP
Palestine Justice Working Group Check-In Meeting
7 pm, Sunday, May 5 – Zoom Room Bet
In addition to meeting every third Sunday of the month at Havurah and in Zoom Room Bet, we also meet on the first Sunday of the month just in Zoom Room Bet to check in. If you are interested in being added to the listserv, please email David Lewis.
Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual
7 pm to 8:15 pm, Thursday, May 9 – In Person or Zoom Room Heh (to be announced)
Our gender-inclusive New Moon group celebrates each Rosh Ḥodesh with learning and ancient and contemporary ritual. Everyone is invited to connect with our closest heavenly body, the Moon. Gatherings take place on or near the new moon of each Hebrew month. Attend any or all sessions. RSVP to be updated on location and other details throughout the year. Location details for the May 9 gathering will be announced soon.
Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration
6 pm Oneg; 6:30 pm Service; 7:30 pm registration-only Dinner, Friday, May 10 – Havurah Shalom (6:30 pm Service both in person at Havurah and online in Zoom Room Aleph)
A family-friendly oneg followed by a service led by Rabbi Benjamin and Havurah musicians, with dinner afterward. No RSVP or registration is needed to join for the oneg and service; just join in! All are welcome! Only the 7:30 pm dinner requires registration and may fill up to capacity quickly. You can register for dinner here.
Havurahniks, can you help out at our May Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration? Click here to explore available volunteer shifts, which start at just 15 minutes. Many helping hands are needed to make Kabbalat Shabbat a success each month.
Shabbat Morning with B'nei Mitzvah of Benjamin Rose and Asher Segal-Adoff
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, May 11 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Benjamin Rose and Asher Segal-Adoff as B'nei Mitzvah and members of our community.
Combatants for Peace: Two Joint Israeli & Palestinian Events
Joint Memorial Ceremony, at 10:30 am, on Sunday, May 12 (RSVP) & Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony, 10 am, on Wednesday, May 15 (RSVP) –Havurah Shalom (We encourage you to come to Havurah to watch the ceremonies live together, but you can also watch the ceremonies from home.)
Each year, Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle Families Forum organize the Joint Memorial Ceremony and Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony, through which Israelis and Palestinians can grieve together, catalyze transformation, and strengthen their shared resolve to create a just peace. We encourage you to come to Havurah to watch these ceremonies together with us on May 12 Joint Memorial Ceremony (RSVP) and May 15 Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony (RSVP). If you are not able to join us in person, you can sign up to watch the online broadcasts from home: May 12 online broadcast and May 15 online broadcast. Havurahnik Lois Bronfman has kindly offered to help answer questions and help on the day of these events. Additional volunteers would be welcomed and appreciated as well.
Havurah Music Jams Rock On!
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday, May 13 – Havurah Shalom (in the Pardes Classroom)
On the second Monday of the month, come sing and play in community! We will be in the Pardes classroom at Havurah. Songsheets will be provided and include a mix of country, folk, Jewish folk, liturgical and popular songs. Bring your instrument, your voice and your enthusiasm! Please RSVP for the May Music Jam.
Steering Meeting
6:30 pm to 9 pm, Tuesday, March 14 – Zoom Room Gimel
All Havurah Shalom members are invited to join for Steering Committee meetings.
Annual Cemetery Beautification Day
1 pm to 3 pm, Sunday, May 19 – 5656 SW Humphrey Blvd., Portland (Click here for driving directions and public transportation options to get to Havurah's cemetery)
To beautify our cemetery, please bring garden implements and wear appropriate clothing.
Fiddler on the Roof Sing-Along
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday, May 20 – Havurah Shalom
Join us at Havurah, with Barry Lavine accompanying on the piano! Sing-alongs are for everyone who enjoys singing to circle round and join voices together. No expertise is needed, just the desire to sing. Costumes optional! RSVP
Shabbat Morning with Bat Mitzvah of Nadine Luker
10 am to 12 pm, Saturday, May 25 – Havurah Shalom and Zoom Room Aleph
Please join us for Shabbat morning services, including welcoming Nadine Luker as a Bat Mitzvah and member of our community.
Book Group Discussion: Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? By Anthony Lerman
7 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, May 28 – Zoom Room Bet
The public, academics, journalists, activists and Jewish people themselves are divided over the meaning of antisemitism. Antony Lerman shows that this is a result of a 30-year process of redefinition of the phenomenon, casting Israel, problematically defined as the “persecuted collective Jew,” as one of its main targets. This political project has taken the notion of the “new antisemitism” and codified it in the flawed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s “working definition” of antisemitism. This text is the glue holding together an international network comprising the Israeli government, pro-Israel advocacy groups, Zionist organizations, Jewish communal defense bodies and sympathetic governments fighting a war against those who would criticize Israel. The consequences of this redefinition have been to suppress free speech on Palestine/Israel, legitimize Islamophobic right-wing forces, and politicize principled opposition to antisemitism. Discussion led by Joel Beinin. Nonmembers welcome. RSVP for Zoom info.