Safety Through Solidarity Event at Powell's: Shane Burley & Ben Lorber in Conversation With Eric K. Ward & CJ Alicandro
7 pm, Wednesday, August 7 – Powell's City of Books (1006 W Burnside St. Portland, Oregon)
Antisemitism is on the rise today. How can we stand in solidarity with Palestinians seeking justice, while also avoiding antisemitism — and resisting those who seek to conflate the two? How do we forge the coalitions across communities that we need, in order to overcome the politics of division and fear? Using personal stories, historical deep-dives, front-line reporting, and interviews with leading change-makers, Shane Burley and Ben Lorber’s Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism helps us break the current impasse to understand how antisemitism works, what's missing in contemporary debates, and how to build true safety through solidarity, for Jews and all people. (This event is co-sponsored by Powell's Books and Jewish Voice for Peace Portland.)
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Blood Drive Hosted by the Eastside Jewish Commons
Sunday, August 11 – Eastside Jewish Commons (2420 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, Oregon)
From the EJC: Spread the word. The Red Cross is really low on blood and EJC is hosting a blood drive. Donors will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card.
Register hereand use sponsor code
(You can see available August 11 appointment times on the blood drive registration page for eastsidejewish, if slots are still available.)
Responding to Instability: Viewing our Democracy Through the Lens of 9 Av
10 am (Pacific Time), Tuesday, August 13 – Pre-register for Zoom info
From Reconstructing Judaism: In this session, we will reflect on how the observance of Tisha B’Av might guide us in responding to the instability in our democracy. What might our tradition’s stories of resistance, destruction, and survival teach us about how to respond to the current crisis? How could the practice of mourning sustain our capacity for hope as we face the challenges of the moment? Speakers include Rabbi William Plevan, Rabbi Sandra Lawson, and more. This is a free event.
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Documentary: Living While Dying
10 to 12 pm, Sunday, August 18 — Mittleman Jewish Community Center, Ballroom A
The Jewish Association for Death Education (JADE) & the Mittleman Jewish Community Center is hosting a screening of the film Living While Dying: a documentary that features Portland residents navigating their own death processes and the life-affirming messages contained in their stories. The film will be followed by commentary and a Q & A session with local director & producer Cathy Zheutlin.
2024 Rabbi Stampfer Community Enrichment Award Dinner
5 pm, Sunday, September 22 — Congregation Neveh Shalom
Join us to celebrate Brian Suher's dedication to our community, the legacy of previous honorees, and the evening’s featured organization, the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education. RSVP required. Tickets: $72/person or $576/table (8 people).
RSVP required